Yet another lengthily pause in blogging activity has lead to quite a lot to catch up on. Had a few pics to put on here but my Laptop got nicked along with my pair of binoculars on the weekend from my bloody house! So if you see anyone flogging a slightly knackered pair of Zeiss bins they might be mine!
Anyway, had a very exciting capture in the garden last week. This fella!
Not a species that often bumps into mist nets!
Also bumped into these telly people whilst canon netting with the Axe Estuary ringing group.

The programme will be aired on the 17th March (it’s Countryfile for anyone who don’t recognise the presenters). Was a fun morning with plenty of Shelduck caught as part of the colour ringing project that’s been ongoing for the last few winters on the estuary. Will make my excuses before the programme goes out as I seem remember talking a load of rubbish to Julia whilst being filmed. Being put on the spot at 7 in the morning and a slightly sleep deprived and cold state really isn’t a good thing. She asked why I go to the canon netting sessions. Instead of saying something like I do it to do my bit for conservation because I’m committed to helping and trying to protect wildlife, I actually said something like it’s fun because its something different to do and there’s a big bang! Not really why I go ringing at all but never mind. Perhaps they’ll do some cleaver editing or just cut me out completely?!
Spring seems to have kicked off in Weymouth with the first Chiffchaffs starting to sing properly and not the feeble sub-song you sometimes hear from our wintering Chiffs on a nice morning. Sand Martins appeared at Radipole yesterday and just a second ago had a small flock of Meadow Pipits go north over the garden. Obviously a few winter things are hanging on as one of the Firecrests I ringed at the end of last year re-appeared in the garden a few days ago. Unfortunately it’s very good at avoiding the mist net so not sure which on it is but I’ll keep trying! This photo’s from last year of potentially the same bird.
Just need the weather to get a bit kinder and allow the first decent migrant arrivals through. Then I’ll be off to Clouds Hill!